REAL Vision Board Magic!


If you really want to manifest that trip to Tahiti, DON'T paste a picture of it on a vision board with the hope that just by looking at it every day its gonna make it magically happen.

It might.

But probably not.


Because every time you look at that picture your brain gets busy and compares where you're at right NOW in current reality, and notices you're NOT even CLOSE to being on that white, sandy beach of your dreams!

**Sigh** "maybe 'some day!'" it concludes, the tension rising, prompting you to rummage through the pantry for the snacks you tucked away just for such occasions.

And those 'some day' thoughts & feelings, are exactly what your brain almost ALWAYS spits out when it can't figure out how to make what you want happen.

It gives up oh so easily on your dreams if it can't work them out.

And it's why you made that vision board in the first place, didn't you?

Supposedly because it had some magical powers to make your dreams come true that don't involve a lot of mental gymnastics or doing much from your side.

And it helps to some extent, meaning vision boards DO help you stay focused on what you want.
But friends, the magic only happens when you take ACTION on what you'd love to experience!

Then your brain codes up that you're committed to what you say you want, and it supports you in creating it instead of giving up.

And bit by bit, every actions builds momentum and soon enough you're splashing around in that crystal blue water livin' the dream.

So it you really want to tap into the power of a vision board, STOP calling it that.

A vision is something that is perceived as not quite real to your senses. And if it doesn't feel real, you won't create it.

Call it a 'memory board' instead, meaning it represents, pictorially, something you've already experienced as real and true.

Look at your pictures fondly, just like you would after you got back from a fabulous vacation, the trip of a lifetime!

How would you feel and talk about it then?

Then imagine the Present You time traveling to the Future You, and asking them, "How did I create that?"

"What's the next most obvious action I need to take?"

And when you get an answer from your Future Self DO it!

Take action in the next 24-48 hours and you'll be amazed at what starts to show up to support you.

Especially the actions that feel right intuitively, but make no sense rationally. (The quickest way to get around resistance to taking action is to NOT do what you've always done based on past experience)

'Fortune favors the bold” as they say, so brave up!

This is just one of the ways my clients create the magic that they do in their lives.

If you want to play too, watch for news of my upcoming programs and ways to work with me. Or feel free to DM me if you ready to get going now!

In the meantime, if you did, or are making a vision board for this year, try tweaking it this way and let me know how it goes!

Here's to making more beautiful 'memories' in 2023!